Meet the Hagon’s Equine Team

  • Kym Hagon

    Even my best mate knows me as Mr Fister!

    Despite a strange obsession for sticking my hands up one end or the other of a horse, I’ve managed to never be arrested, nor spent any time in jail.

    So whilst many of my city friends and family still think I’m a dirty bastard, I…enjoy what I do…

  • Kim Hagon

    Kim is the organiser behind the whole breeding centre. Most (not all…) of the clever decisions behind the scenes are made by Kim.

    We consider her the brains, the inspiration and the whip behind the boys… sometimes good, sometimes bad.

  • Damien Judd

    If it weren’t for Damo, the place would be a whole lot dirtier and messier.

    Damo is a wonderful horseman and essential part of the team at Hagons’ Equine.

    He’s a passionate hacky and he brings this attention to detail to our reproduction centre.

  • Shelley Webster

    This year we welcome Shelley to the team.

    Shelley has three young girls, and is also an avid hacky, so if she’s not putting makeup on it or clipping it, it’s probably only a matter of time ‘til she does (that sounds worse than I meant it to…You know what I mean ya filthy things).

  • Dusty Hagon

    Dust (as all our boys are) is a lovely rider who spends much time working on getting into his horses’ minds.

    His idea of working his horse is often taking the time to teach him to sit on a beanbag, accept a stockwhip or a rugby/horseball, or just riding backwards for a while.

    As far as working for Hagons’ Equine, he loves the money that work brings..

  • Harry Hagon

    We like to refer to Hazmat as Google.

    There’s not much he doesn’t know, although it may not always be super factual.

    Having said that, he’s very talented on a horse, a footy field or in a vehicle.

    We do wish he’d slow down a little on two of those three, but he’s also a very valuable member of the Hagons’ Equine team.

  • Ned Hagon

    Needles (cos of his long, skinny legs) is also a very keen horseman who is extremely caring towards his horses.

    He is keen to start his first horse, which is likely to be “Jaffa” the son of Kim’s favourite horse – Madonna the mountain pony.

    Ned loves his brothers and all the friendly advice they give him (regularly).

  • Agnes Hagon

    Agnes is the tiny security chihuahua that guests to our property will inevitably meet sooner than later. Whilst in reality she sometimes barks at people, she has never bitten anyone (high achieving chihuahua, although if I say the secret attack word look out!).

    Agnes is however, the disciplinarian for our other dogs that range from ignorant (Tina), to annoying (Jane). She is at her best when keeping visitors’ kids happy and occupied when they’re waiting for procedures to be done.

    She’s definitely Mum’s favourite daughter.